Last day in Thailand....
Les talk more pictures - lots of them. Connection is good this afternoon. More sightseeing
The Emerald Buddha (actually made from a single piece of jade) - you can't take photos in the temple, so this is zoomed...
Unzoomed view...
Election day in Bangkok
In the Palace complex


Model of Ankor Wat (in Cambodia)
Roofs Thai-style

A guardian

Gold roof Cambodian Style, next to Thai on the right
7-Eleven, favoured by Buddhists everywhere.
Mmmm food

Royal barges

Feeding frenzy with some unidentified fish

River hawkers

Our driver was hungry...
Monks at prayer

Typical riverside house
Another rather fine roof
Big old tower

From further off

From the boat

From the Long-tail boat we were in

The Emerald Buddha (actually made from a single piece of jade) - you can't take photos in the temple, so this is zoomed...

Unzoomed view...

Election day in Bangkok

In the Palace complex


Model of Ankor Wat (in Cambodia)

Roofs Thai-style

A guardian

Gold roof Cambodian Style, next to Thai on the right

7-Eleven, favoured by Buddhists everywhere.

Mmmm food

Royal barges

Feeding frenzy with some unidentified fish

River hawkers

Our driver was hungry...

Monks at prayer

Typical riverside house

Another rather fine roof

Big old tower


From further off

From the boat

From the Long-tail boat we were in
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