Monday, October 10, 2005

I made it

So, 40 hours later and a dozen aspirin later, I made it to Wellington. I had jokingly said to my guide in Rio de Janeiro that it would be a miracle if my bag made it through all the way to Wellington, and lo and behold when I got there it was sunning itself in Sydney still.

The flights were ok, but I don't think I ever want to have to sit on planes and change planes for 40 hours again. There were points when I started to wonder whether this was what hell was like. Long-haul flights for eternity and airplane food. I thought I'd struck gold when I got to Sydney and a Wagamamas noodle bar was there in the departure lounge, then I realised that at only 7:30 am it was unlikely to be opening any time soon, so I had to settle for some reheated ham and cheese croissants...which actually weren't too bad.

I had a nice evening last night, drove over from the airport and met up with Ginny and followed her car back to her home. Met her boyfriend Mike and her two doggies Archie and Kage. Kage is a 9 month old German Shepherd who is HUGE, and Archie is a very young Pomeranian puppy and is very small. We had a nice roast with potatoes and some nice Laphroaig whiskey that I'd got at duty free, then I got a fairly early night and dropped right off.

Right now I'm downtown and it's pouring with rain, so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and seek shelter in an internet cafe so I could do a bit of updating.

Hope you are all well, and talk to you soon.



Blogger Ken said...

no, no pictures yet...

3:04 am  

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