Friday, December 15, 2006

4 am and still in the office...

Friday night - was supposed to be going to the office Christmas party at Tokyo Disneyland, but this deal I've been working on got its claws in and I'm still here. I should be done soon, and I've decided to make the most of it and go to the Tsukiji Fish Market when I leave the office. It opens at around 3 am for the wholesalers and to the public at around 5 or 5:30. It sells $28m US of fish a day, and has over 600 different types of fish and seafood for sale. Every day there tuna auctions (sadly closed to the public now) where massive 90-400kg tuna are sold to restaurants, fishmongers etc. If you do a bit of googling you can find some good articles on it.

Anyway, I figure since I'm up at this ungodly hour I might as well go and see what it's like. The sushi restaurants there open at about 5 am, so I'll go have a look around and then get some sushi and some hot sake - breakfast of champions!

Then I've got to go do a bit of Christmas shopping, take a nap, then be ready to go out on the town tonight (and do some packing!).

Anyway, if I make it to the market I'll take some photos and you should get to see them before I fly back home...



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