Thursday, March 30, 2006

A plane to catch

Well, I think the moral of yesterday's story is don't travel around Mumbai if you've got a place to be at a certain time...because you almost certainly won't get there in time. We left the hotel at 4:45pm - plenty of time to get to the airport before our flight at 7 so we thought. We got stuck in a slip road for 20 minutes without moving, and when we finally did start going, we saw that they'd decided that rush hour would be a good time to demolish a wall next to the road, so they plonked all the rubble straight onto the road.

Long story short, we got to the airport at 6:40, 20 minutes before our plane was due to take off...we rushed inside, they gave us our boarding cards, screened our baggage, screened our hand baggage (we were 17 kilos over hold baggage and had about 8 items of hand baggage between the two of us. They said what the hell and rushed us through. We managed to get onto the plane before it was due to take off, and when we arrived in Delhi all our bags had made it too.

So all in all rather a lucky day yesterday.

Mum's out at meetings all day today, so I'm going to have a leisurely day at the hotel today. I think I'll go for a swim and then have a doze.

No more photos at the moment, but I imagine I'll have some soon. It unfortunately seems like I might not get to the cricket tomorrow as the tickets didn't go on sale when they were supposed to and there was some kind of a riot when they did!

We'll see...



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