Sunday, January 15, 2006

More flat pictures - getting almost finished now

Right, it's got to the point where you can play spot the difference with the pictures, so I'll leave you to look at them without captions. Got a bunch more stuff, and there's a coffee table on order which is REALLY cool. Not your average coffee table. But it'll take 3 months to arrive I think...

Anyway, enjoy the pics...


Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year - belatedly

Happy new year everybody - sorry for not updating but I've been pretty busy at work. Here are a few more photos of the flat. It's Friday and I may be going up to do some more work on it this weekend. I have now spent two nights up there - which were very comfy in the bed.

Anyway, less talk, more pictures:

The shelves are looking better now with a healthy booze selection

Kitchen with new toaster and kettle

My liquor shelf

Kitchen again

The shelves in situ

More alcohol...