I am now here in Melbourne and it's another beautiful day. It's rather windy here, and landing the day before yesterday was a bit hairy - we weren't in a large plane - probably a 737 or something, so we were being buffetted around
by the wind something awful. For a moment there I thought we were going to clip a wing on the ground when there was a gust just as we were landing, but the pilot landed fine in the end. I had a relatively chilled out night when I arrived as I was still a bit tired from my Connections trip. The day I left Christchurch, Amanda picked me up and we went back to her house and made breakfast. After we were suitably bulging, we went over to the Arts Centre where there's a market, and the botanical gardens are nearby as well. Bumped into Stefan, Johan and Lissette at the market and then went for a walk in the gardens and then a quick beer at the Dux de Lux bar and sat out in the glorious sunshine. They then drove me to the airport and it was back on another plane over to Melbourne.
I spent last night in Port Fairy - about 6/7 hours west along the coast after rather a long drive out there. The scenery wasn't particularly interesting at first, but after a few hours I got to the coast road and then it improved from there. The rock that the cliffs are made from is fairly soft, so the cliffs are constantly being eroded by waves. This has left some unusual looking towers of rock standing in the middle of the sea. One of the most famous areas is the 12 Apostles, and a short while further along the road, the Bay of Islands. I stopped and saw the sunset there and got a few good pictures.
Port Fairy is a cute little town - with the two main industries seeming to be commercial fishing and tourism. I got in after dark so I only got to see it this morning for a while. Had a nice meal at a local hotel restaurant as the place I was staying didn't do dinner. I tried some of the local scallops and abalone which I'd never had before. Very tasty!This morning I went for a walk down the coast a bit to the lighthouse, and on the way back to Melbourne stopped in a nature reserve and saw some Emus and Koalas. Back here in Melbourne now and going out to meet Jade, James and Mishy tonight all being well.Only a month to go on my trip...I'm going to be lost when I get back to London!
Along the Great Ocean Road
Some of the 12 apostles
An eroded cliff
12 apostles again
and again...
Some nice flowers
Sunset at the bay of islands
Looking back into the bay
Sun almost gone
Back into the bay again
Port Fairy this morning
The Lighthouse
An emu
A friendly Koala that was trying his best to poo on my head when I walked by
In Christchurch
In the Cloisters
A nice tree
Robbie posing
More flowers
And again
And again
A butterfly
More flowers
A rather nice part of the botanical garden in Christchurch
The river - you can go punting or kayaking down it!
More flowers
A sinister-looking duck


Down near the Arts Centre

The Arts Centre

A plane going somewhere far away

Robbie fighting off evil Amanda