Last minute preparations
Well, the time is almost upon me when I set off on my 3 months of unpaid leave and start travelling the world. For those of you who don't know my itinerary, I'll put it at the bottom of this post. I'm frantically getting everything together in preparation for my departure on Tuesday. After our burglary 2 months ago, we've finally got the insurance claim going through, so I have managed to get my mobile phone replaced, and a shiny new iPod to keep me sane on the 18 hour flights should arrive before I go. I've bought myself a new digital camera that's fairly compact and relatively inexpensive to take on the trip with me, and I will be doing my best to upload some pictures to this blog as and when I manage to get to an internet cafe along the way. Packing has not yet begun, and I anticipate a rather frantic few days.
Tomorrow is my last day at work before I start my leave, so I've been doing all my packing at the office to put in storage until my return. It's quite incredible the amount of crap you accumulate over 2 years, or even just 6 months for that matter. I got my new business cards through the day before yesterday, and they say "Solicitor" on them. It's still not really sunken in that I am now a fully qualified lawyer. Probably won't until I get back and start work again.
My flat is slowly but surely nearing completion, but won't be done before I head off. My mum is going to have to put the finishing touches to it, and hopefully it will be fully functional by the time I get back. I'm getting very excited about the trip - I'll have a fair amount of time on my own to enjoy the travelling, but I will also be meeting up with people I know along the way. First off, hopefully, Andrew and Valerie at our summer cottage in Ontario, then Connie, Amanda, Kate, Aylwin and the Toronto crew when I get back into Toronto on the 6th September. May be seeing Karen for a quick coffee or something in Seattle, then Gabi in Ushuaia, Ginny in Wellington, Amanda (again!) in Christchurch, Jade in Melbourne, and finally Jim in Sydney.
Anyway, it's a rainy evening in London and I've got to get my stuff together to go up to the flat with mum so we can go over what needs to be done.
My Itinerary:

30 August - London - Toronto
Driving over to our cottage and staying there until the 5th
5 September
Driving back to Toronto and staying with my sister
6 September
Meeting Connie, Amanda and co in Toronto
8 September
Flying to Seattle, hopefully meet Karen for lunch or something.
Driving up to Vancouver and staying there for 3 nights.
11 September
Driving over to Revelstoke BC to visit relatives
15 September
Driving back down to Seattle
16 September
Early flight to Lima, Peru. Staying there for 1 night.
17 September
Flying from Lima to Cuzco. Staying there 2 nights.
19 September
Tour up to Macchu Picchu for a few days.
21 September
Back to Cuzco
22 September
Cuzco to Santiago, Chile. Staying there 3 nights and doing a few tours - wine tour and trip to Valparaiso.
25 September
Santiago to Punta Arenas, Chile. Staying there 1 night.
26 September
6 day tour to El Calafate.
1 October
El Calafate to Ushuaia. Visiting Gabi and staying 2 nights.
3 October
Ushuaia to Buenos Aires. Staying in BA for 2 nights.
5 October
BA to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Staying in Rio for 3 nights.
8 October
Rio to Wellington, New Zealand. Staying with Ginny for 5 days.
15 October
Drive down taking ferry to South Island, staying in Christchurch that night.
16 October
Starting a 6 day tour of the South Island.
21 October
Back to Christchurch, seeing Amanda. Staying 2 nights.
23 October
Christchurch to Melbourne, Australia. Staying 1 night.
24 October
Driving to Port Fairy and staying 1 night.
25 October
Driving back to Melbourne and staying another night.
26 October
Melbourne to Ayers Rock, staying 2 nights.
28 October
Ayers Rock to Cairns, staying 1 night.
29 October
14 day tour down East coast of Australia terminating in Sydney.
11 November
3 nights in Sydney, visiting Jim.
14 November
Sydney to Cape Town. Spending 12 days touring around wine area, garden route and a safari.
26 November
Cape Town to London.
28 November
Start back at work!
Tomorrow is my last day at work before I start my leave, so I've been doing all my packing at the office to put in storage until my return. It's quite incredible the amount of crap you accumulate over 2 years, or even just 6 months for that matter. I got my new business cards through the day before yesterday, and they say "Solicitor" on them. It's still not really sunken in that I am now a fully qualified lawyer. Probably won't until I get back and start work again.
My flat is slowly but surely nearing completion, but won't be done before I head off. My mum is going to have to put the finishing touches to it, and hopefully it will be fully functional by the time I get back. I'm getting very excited about the trip - I'll have a fair amount of time on my own to enjoy the travelling, but I will also be meeting up with people I know along the way. First off, hopefully, Andrew and Valerie at our summer cottage in Ontario, then Connie, Amanda, Kate, Aylwin and the Toronto crew when I get back into Toronto on the 6th September. May be seeing Karen for a quick coffee or something in Seattle, then Gabi in Ushuaia, Ginny in Wellington, Amanda (again!) in Christchurch, Jade in Melbourne, and finally Jim in Sydney.
Anyway, it's a rainy evening in London and I've got to get my stuff together to go up to the flat with mum so we can go over what needs to be done.
My Itinerary:

30 August - London - Toronto
Driving over to our cottage and staying there until the 5th
5 September
Driving back to Toronto and staying with my sister
6 September
Meeting Connie, Amanda and co in Toronto
8 September
Flying to Seattle, hopefully meet Karen for lunch or something.
Driving up to Vancouver and staying there for 3 nights.
11 September
Driving over to Revelstoke BC to visit relatives
15 September
Driving back down to Seattle
16 September
Early flight to Lima, Peru. Staying there for 1 night.
17 September
Flying from Lima to Cuzco. Staying there 2 nights.
19 September
Tour up to Macchu Picchu for a few days.
21 September
Back to Cuzco
22 September
Cuzco to Santiago, Chile. Staying there 3 nights and doing a few tours - wine tour and trip to Valparaiso.
25 September
Santiago to Punta Arenas, Chile. Staying there 1 night.
26 September
6 day tour to El Calafate.
1 October
El Calafate to Ushuaia. Visiting Gabi and staying 2 nights.
3 October
Ushuaia to Buenos Aires. Staying in BA for 2 nights.
5 October
BA to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Staying in Rio for 3 nights.
8 October
Rio to Wellington, New Zealand. Staying with Ginny for 5 days.
15 October
Drive down taking ferry to South Island, staying in Christchurch that night.
16 October
Starting a 6 day tour of the South Island.
21 October
Back to Christchurch, seeing Amanda. Staying 2 nights.
23 October
Christchurch to Melbourne, Australia. Staying 1 night.
24 October
Driving to Port Fairy and staying 1 night.
25 October
Driving back to Melbourne and staying another night.
26 October
Melbourne to Ayers Rock, staying 2 nights.
28 October
Ayers Rock to Cairns, staying 1 night.
29 October
14 day tour down East coast of Australia terminating in Sydney.
11 November
3 nights in Sydney, visiting Jim.
14 November
Sydney to Cape Town. Spending 12 days touring around wine area, garden route and a safari.
26 November
Cape Town to London.
28 November
Start back at work!
Yep I knew that, I just typed Argentina by mistake for some reason...
don't forget you may be meeting up with jamesg mish and i while in melbourne!
Sorry, I am indeed - just that I typed this up prior to talking to you hehe :)
I'll edit it in a bit!
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